#11-01 Baker to Vegas Relay 2011
Funding to sponsor the Gardena Police Department Team's participation in the "Baker to Vegas" Challenge Cup, a 120-mile law enforcement relay race, designed to promote physical fitness and teamwork amongst officers and to create a stronger police force.
#11-02 iPads
Five (5) iPads were purchased for the Department to test new ideas on how to facilitate real-time crime data systems from remote locations. The devices would also reduce paper use and costs since evacuation maps, reports and notes can be shared with co-workers with a quick e-mail rather than multiple photocopies.
#11-03 LA County Chief’s Association Spring Conference
The Foundation contributed funds to the LA County Police Chiefs’ Association to have the opportunity to meet and converse about law enforcement issues facing their agencies today, such as budget issues, crime stats, and innovative technologies and crime fighting methods to help keep LA County safe.
#11-04 Gardena Police Department Employee Recognition Day
Sponsored Gardena Police Departments 5th Annual Gardena Police Employee Recognition Day. This event is held every year to show appreciation for Gardena employees.
#11-05 118th Annual International Association of Chiefs of Police
Provided funds for Chief Medrano and one other employee to travel to and attend the Annual International Associations of Chief of Police Conference.
#11-06 Gardena 9/11/01 Tenth Anniversary Event
Funded the purchase of food, drinks, and supplies for the memorial event.
#11-07 Technology Grant
Purchased computer technology, such as iPads. The use of the iPads allows the department to test new ideas on how to facilitate real-time crime data systems from remote locations.