#14-01 Baker to Vegas Relay 2014
Funding to sponsor the Gardena Police Department Team's participation in the "Baker to Vegas" Challenge Cup, a 120-mile law enforcement relay race, designed to promote physical fitness and teamwork amongst officers and to create a stronger police force.
#14-02 Explorer Support
This grant provided a laptop and other requirements necessary to ensure a college-bound Explorer had the necessary resources as he continues his education.
#14-03 3rd Annual Community Business Forum
This grant assisted the Police Department to reach a targeted audience to discuss ways for businesses to protect themselves against fraud and other crimes.
#04-04 15-Passenger Van
This grant allowed the purchase of a used 15-passenger van that will allow the Department to more efficiently transport personnel for training, team building, and volunteer activities, among other things. The van will allow the Department to transport these personnel in one vehicle, reducing fuel costs and other expenses.
#14-05 Gardena Police Explorers Competition
Funded the opportunity for the Explorers to compete in a tactical competition held in Pasadena, CA.
#14-06 State Senate Trip to Portugal
Funded an opportunity for Chief Edward Medrano to interact directly with our state senators on an important public safety/social policy issue. Chief Medrano was the only Police Chief on the delegation and provided a local police executive perspective to the delegation.
#14-07 Training
Provided training and networking opportunities to enhance the Chief's proficiency in responding to emerging issues in law enforcement. Funded the travel cost associated with the attendance at the conference.